


The other day a friend told me I should not stop writing…and he was right.

Truth is- I’ve been so distracted with life and “suffering” that I forgot to love myself.

A few months ago, I just forgot how to do it. I got lost in seeking so much love I forgot it was standing in front of me. I drifted from myself and was lost in a sea of doubt and solitude. However, I’ve slowly but surely been finding land again, finding my own love.

I’m sure this has happened to you too. And I want you to know that I’m here.

Why is it that we struggle so much to love ourselves? We are the most beautiful thing we have, the most unique, sexy, perfect beings. Everyone seems to know that around us but ourselves. You will feel at ease when you realize how much love you can give yourself.

I hope you learn to love yourself more and trust that it will be okay. That alone means also mean good, and it can also mean love.




You're Not Alone in Solitude


You Deserve Everything