To Our Dear Palestine

Why are we allowing this to happen? Why are we allowing people, kids, women to get killed every day? Why are we allowing illegal settlements? Why are we not doing something? Why aren’t we taking to the streets, moving, showing compassion towards our Palestine brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be the generation of change? The generation that can move mountains with their words and actions? Why aren’t we helping Palestine? For the life of me, why are we allowing these gruesome acts to be committed? 

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should. But at the same time, I understand that there is not enough news media coverage and information about the suffering of Palestinians in Israel. As a journalist, I always try to remain neutral to international conflict because my job is to report. But what is happening in Israel this week is horrible, denigrating and merits and opinion, information, and a call to action. 

I want to clarify that hate from either side is not ok, be it from Palestine or Israel. We should not be hating on anyone but fighting for a better future, a peaceful one. 

53 deaths, of which 14 are children; that’s not a world I want to live in. Am I too idealistic if I ask for this to stop? If I want to move people, to help people see that there is no way to stop a conflict through violence? If history has taught us something it’s that words, understanding, and PEACE are always the best path. 

So please join me, become aware, move, help any way you can, share information but don’t let your will to move, and help our Palestinian brothers, cease. Don’t let our Israeli brothers keep hating, keep settling. We are the generation of change, and we are not letting this conflict go unnoticed any longer. Join me in being optimistic and changing the world. 


So freaking happy


To our Beautiful Earth